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Hotel Bayerischer Hof Lindau Veranstaltung / Anfrage

Contact Details

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Accommadation details

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3 + 18 =
Bahnhofplatz 2, 88131 Lindau. Amtsgericht Kempten (Allgäu), Commercial Register Number HRA 71022.
Sparkasse Memmingen-Lindau-Mindelheim:
IBAN: DE70 7315 0000 0620 0167 09
HypoVereinsbank Lindau:
IBAN: DE85 6002 0290 0001 2079 38
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Since emails sent over the internet can easily be created or manipulated under someone else's name, we ask for your understanding that for your and our protection, we exclude the legal validity of the above statements and expressions unless we have made a different agreement with you.